The Computer mouse
One of the most common postures I see on a day to day basis, particularly with office workers and increasingly with children, is – a dropped right shoulder and a head position translated to the right. If you want check if this is you, stand in front of the mirror and look at your shoulder tips. If the right one is lower you have this posture to. The most common cause of this is using the mouse. Most people are right handed. They use the mouse on the right side and prolonged use causes this dropped shoulder posture. Swapping hands in most cases is out of the question, but try this: If you know you are going to be using the mouse for a long period, push the keyboard aside and have the mouse in front of you. This avoids the need to lean one way or another and as a result you will save yourself a lot of shoulder pain, neck pain and headaches. Tip no.7 – if you are going to use the mouse for internet searching, research or reading, and you don’t need to do much typing – push the keyboard aside and have the mouse in front of you.
And, if you already have this posture and would like to get rid of it, give us a call and come in for an appointment. At Point Clare Chiropractic we specialize in postural and structural correction.
One of the most common postures I see on a day to day basis, particularly with office workers and increasingly with children, is – a dropped right shoulder and a head position translated to the right. If you want check if this is you, stand in front of the mirror and look at your shoulder tips. If the right one is lower you have this posture to. The most common cause of this is using the mouse. Most people are right handed. They use the mouse on the right side and prolonged use causes this dropped shoulder posture. Swapping hands in most cases is out of the question, but try this: If you know you are going to be using the mouse for a long period, push the keyboard aside and have the mouse in front of you. This avoids the need to lean one way or another and as a result you will save yourself a lot of shoulder pain, neck pain and headaches. Tip no.7 – if you are going to use the mouse for internet searching, research or reading, and you don’t need to do much typing – push the keyboard aside and have the mouse in front of you.
And, if you already have this posture and would like to get rid of it, give us a call and come in for an appointment. At Point Clare Chiropractic we specialize in postural and structural correction.