The Question: - "So, if it is Arthritis there is nothing you can do for that, pain then, right?"
It is important to realise that Osteo Arthritis is not synonymous with pain. I have met people who have severe osteo arthritis with no pain at all, and people with very little osteo arthritis who are in a lot of pain.
What osteo arthritis does do, is cause stiffness. And the answer to this is movement. Keep moving and the stiffness will ease and if you have pain as well as stiffness, often this will ease as well. (But this can depend on the joint effected.)
As as rule, movement eases pain, especially with osteo arthritis. As an example, there are many studies expounding the virtues of simply walking if you have hip or knee arthritis. Some of which I have already blogged about. So, if you are suffering with osteoarthritic stiffness or pain, keep moving.
And if you need more advice on this, or would like to see if Chiropractic can help you, give me a call at Point Clare Chiropractic. I will be happy to help.