The article demonstrates that neurological health is as dependent on signals from your large leg muscles as it is on signals from your brain to your muscles.
Researchers conducted an experiment on mice, restricting the mice from using their hind legs only. They showed that neural stem cells — undifferentiated stem cells that can develop into both neurons and other brain cells — had declined by 70 percent in the animals that had not used their hind legs, compared to unhindered controls.
This research goes a long way into showing how important weight bearing exercise is for the health and regeneration of our brain and nervous system and is another reason why we should be exercising regularly.
So, if you can't walk because of back pain or sciatica, this is doing more to you than perhaps we realised in the past.
If you are suffering from back pain and/or sciatica give us a call at Point Clare Chiropractic and let us get you moving again.