Often pain in the back, neck or other joints is passed off as ‘wear and tear,’ or arthritis. People are told it is old age and there is nothing they can do but suffer and take pills. If people understood more about the process of arthritis they would think differently. Just to open up a few thoughts on the subject; if it is age related, then your entire body is the same age so therefore you should have an equal amount of arthritis in every joint, but we know that this is simply not the case.
Arthritis in load bearing structures, such as the spine, hips, knees and ankles, particularly unbalanced arthritis, is usually the result of unbalanced load on these structures. A person with bad posture, such as large forward head carriage, will unevenly load the vertebrae, which as a result deform and change shape to better bear this load. This deformation occurs because of Wolf’s Law of bone remodelling and while it takes years to create permanent deformation of the bone, the initial catalyst is simply poor posture. By correcting posture, you balance the load on the vertebrae and slow down or halt the process, protecting your spine for the future.
For patients who already have arthritis as a result of long standing bad posture, moving the affected area with Chiropractic adjustments, and strengthening postural muscles will again reduce the load on the arthritic joints and have a very good chance of reducing the symptoms suffered. While some of the symptoms of arthritis emanate from the joint, many come from the supporting structures; the ligaments and muscles. These supporting structures are sending pain signals as they are still carrying the load of the unbalanced posture, and it is these symptoms that can be significantly reduced with treatments such as chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercises.
Arthritis in load bearing structures, such as the spine, hips, knees and ankles, particularly unbalanced arthritis, is usually the result of unbalanced load on these structures. A person with bad posture, such as large forward head carriage, will unevenly load the vertebrae, which as a result deform and change shape to better bear this load. This deformation occurs because of Wolf’s Law of bone remodelling and while it takes years to create permanent deformation of the bone, the initial catalyst is simply poor posture. By correcting posture, you balance the load on the vertebrae and slow down or halt the process, protecting your spine for the future.
For patients who already have arthritis as a result of long standing bad posture, moving the affected area with Chiropractic adjustments, and strengthening postural muscles will again reduce the load on the arthritic joints and have a very good chance of reducing the symptoms suffered. While some of the symptoms of arthritis emanate from the joint, many come from the supporting structures; the ligaments and muscles. These supporting structures are sending pain signals as they are still carrying the load of the unbalanced posture, and it is these symptoms that can be significantly reduced with treatments such as chiropractic adjustments and corrective exercises.